[M4M] Discipline [MDom] [Professor/student] [Exasperated] by your [Behavior] now its time for your [Lesson] [Blackmail] so you [Finally] give me the [Namecalling] [Facefucking] [Blowjob] IÕve needed to [Oral Creampie]
Discipline [Preview]

[M4M] Discipline [MDom] [Professor/student] [Exasperated] by your [Behavior] now its time for your [Lesson] [Blackmail] so you [Finally] give me the [Namecalling] [Facefucking] [Blowjob] IÕve needed to [Oral Creampie]
[M4F] Strike a Pose [MDom] [Photo Shoot] w/ [Male Model] [How do I Look?] [Banter] [Flirting] to [Banter] [Stripping] until you get [Turned On] then [Touching] [Lap Kissing] [Slit Fucking] to [Lap Sex] [Mutual Orgasm]
[M4F] Raining Pleasure [Gentle Dom] [Pleasure Consultant] visiting on a [Rainy Day] to [Spoil You Completely] [Blindfold] [Bondage] [Sensual] [Kisses] [All Over] [Sensation Play] w [Wand] to [Mutual Orgasm] [Missionary] [Aftercare]
[M4F] Jump Seat [MDom] [Pilots] on long haul [Cargo Route] [Sleepy] from the [Night Before] where someone confessed [Feelings] leads to [Fooling Around] [Lap Kissing] [Nipple Sucking] [Slit Fucking] [Fingering] to [Lap Sex] [Creampie]
[M4M] The Commissioner [MDom] [CNC] [“Hero Boy” World] [Locked] in [Interrogation Chair] at the [Precinct] because you [Keep Causing Trouble] while [Fighting Crime] [Frustrated] [Teaching You a Lesson] with [Forced] [Ball Sucking] & [Condescending] [Facefuck] to [Messy] [Oral Creampie]