[M4M] Package Deal [Delivery Guy] helps you with [Huge Package] into your [Play Room] [New Sex Gear] [Seducing Me] w/ a [Wand] & [Wet Handjob] to [Blowjob] [Fingering] then [Riding Anal] to [Deep Creampie]
[M4M] Package Deal [Delivery Guy] helps you with [Huge Package] into your [Play Room] [New Sex Gear] [Seducing Me] w/ a [Wand] & [Wet Handjob] to [Blowjob] [Fingering] then [Riding Anal] to [Deep Creampie]
[M4F] Make ’em Wait [MDom] [Boy band lead/manager] fmrly [In-secret Couple] [Before Show] on [Reunion Tour] [I Love You] but [Can This Wait?.. No?] [Passionate] [Kissing] [Cunnilingus] to [Slit Fucking] & [Legs Wrapped-Around] [Missionary] [On Table] to [Creampie] [Romantic]
[M4M] Red Carpet [Gentle MDom] [Back of Limo] before [Big Event] w/ your [Important Boyfriend] [Why So Nervous?] [It’ll Be Okay] [I’ll Help You Relax] w/ [Handjob] while I [Stroke] & we [Cum Together] without [Staining Our Suits]