I’ve Got You (Breakup Comfort)

[M4A] I've Got you (Breakup Comfort) [Audio Cuddle] [Reassurance] [You're Worthy] [For All]

Hey Filthies,

I’m so happy to be able to provide a little relaxation or comfort when you need it! Click the “Care Package” tag for more like this! <3

Enjoy, stay safe, and be well <3

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  1. Going from one very filty audio to this and one thing I have to say… I need this in my life. I snuggled in deep in my bed and now I’m addicted to your voice ❤ Yesterday I listened to one of your audios at work with a straight face but little did they know, I was a slip and slide down there the whole shift 😶

  2. thank you so much jim. this truly helped me. i struggle with addiction and dealt with my first serious breakup today. friends weren’t being helpful, and i ran straight to this audio. thank you, truly.

  3. Extremely thankful for some of the people in the Discord server who sent me the link to this.

    Going through a very recent breakup, I definitely needed this.

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…Either way, have a great day! :D